Topsoil is a critical resource that is essential for supporting healthy plant growth and sustaining a diverse range of ecosystems, including the rich microbiome and animal life. Unfortunately, modern agricultural practices such as monoculture, chemical fertilization, and intensive tilling have led to significant losses of topsoil around the world. This loss of topsoil not only reduces soil fertility, but also contributes to climate change, water pollution, and other environmental problems.
Commercial farming methods often rely on synthetic fertilizers and other chemicals to maximize crop yields. These chemicals can strip the soil of nutrients, kill beneficial microorganisms, and leach into waterways, causing widespread pollution. Additionally, intensive tilling practices can disrupt the natural structure of soil, leading to erosion and loss of topsoil.

Regenerative farming, on the other hand, focuses on building healthy soil through practices such as crop rotation, rotational grazing, cover cropping, and reduced tillage. By working with nature rather than against it, regenerative farming can help to build healthy topsoil that supports healthy plant growth, reduces erosion, and enhances the overall health of the ecosystem.
One of the key benefits of regenerative farming is that it helps to increase soil organic matter (SOM). SOM is made up of the decaying plant and animal matter that provides nutrients and structure to soil. As SOM levels increase, the soil becomes more fertile and better able to support plant growth. Additionally, high SOM levels can help to sequester carbon from the atmosphere, mitigating the effects of climate change.
Regenerative farming practices also focus on using natural sources of fertilizer, such as compost and animal manure, to enrich the soil. This not only helps to reduce the reliance on synthetic fertilizers, but also supports the health of the animals and the ecosystem as a whole. Our animals play a vital role in enriching the topsoil, by converting organic plant material into dense natural fertilizer.
At Sonny's Farm, we are very conscious of the impact of commercial farming methods on topsoil and the environment. Our choice to invest in regenerative farming practices is our commitment to promote a sustainable and effective solution to these problems. By building healthy soil through practices such as rotational grazing, cover cropping, and reduced tillage, our regenerative farming practices are a small, but important step in restoring the health of our topsoil and the ecosystem as a whole. Together, we can help to build a healthier and more sustainable future for ourselves and for the planet.