Fourth of July

Fourth of July Fireworks

The Fourth of July is a time for celebrating with friends and family, and nothing brings people together like a good meal. As you begin your preparations for this upcoming holiday, we invite you to consider how to incorporate regenerative farmed foods, such as our meats and eggs into your menu to celebrate sustainability, ethical living, and freedom on the Fourth.

Our regeneratively farmed meats and eggs are the perfect staples for your backyard barbecue this holiday. These celebratory menu items can serve as centerpieces for your gathering with friends and family.

Grilled Grass-Fed Wagyu Cross Burgers
Our grass-fed ground beef made from flavorful Wagyu Cross beef makes excellent burgers, that are also a delicious and sustainable alternative to conventional beef burgers. Grass-fed beef is leaner and higher in omega-3 fatty acids, making it a healthier choice for you and the environment. These flavorful, healthy burgers will delight your guests.

Pasture-Raised Grilled Chicken
Try our pastured chicken thighs on the grill after marinading them in barbecue sauce or an Italian marinade. We also enjoy whole grilled chicken butterflied or done beer can style. This lean protein is sure to offer your health-conscious guests a delicious, moist low-fat meat. Our pasture-raised chickens are raised with freedom, allowed to peck and forage for their meals, giving them a richer flavor and a lean build.

Pastured Pork Ribs
Pork ribs are a classic Fourth of July dish, and choosing regenerative pork can make your celebration even more delicious and sustainable. We offer a wide range of pork rib cuts, from St. Louis to Baby Back. Our pastured heritage hogs produce flavorful, richly marbled meats that will impress your guests..

Pastured Pork Sausage
No Fourth of July celebration is complete without sausages such as Bratwursts. These traditional German sausages uphold the tradition of American cuisine as a melting pot of multicultural dishes. Adding pastured pork Bratwursts to your Fourth of July gathering is simply another excellent way of celebrating our nation’s history through a regeneratively farmed meat.

Incorporating regenerative farmed meats into your Fourth of July celebration is a great way to support a more sustainable and ethical food system. By choosing meats raised using regenerative practices, you are supporting animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and the nation’s cultural heritage in a way your friends and family are sure to enjoy.

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