CA Farm Equipment

As we close the CA farm, we have farm machinery, structures, and equipment available for purchase.

If you or someone you know are interested, please contact us at 916-467-6701 or send us an email at

2014 Ram 3500 Crew Cab Dually: $21,500
Mileage: 172,117

No Till Seeder: 2021 Genesis 8 No-Till Seeder. $17,900.
90" Working Width, 7 acres/hour. 


2020 Van Wamel PERFECT KD240 Flail Mower: $7,350

2014 14GN-25STA Big Tex Trailer:
8'x25' bed. $11,000

John Deere 5058E Utility Tractor: 
Serial Number: PE4045U014291
85 horsepower | 767.2 hours. $17,500







2016 Bobcat E63 T4 Excavator: $38,000

Two Upgraded 16x24 Featherman Chicken Coop/Schooners: $4,800 per schooner. Used for two years. Can be used for layers or broilers.

 Coops will be sold as-is with all equipment including automatic open/close doors, laying boxes, waterers, feeders, and roosting bars. Including equipment, tarp and shipping original purchase cost well exceeded $6,500/scoop. Two identical schooners available. 

20x36 Poly-tex Chicken Schooner: $8,600. Brand New, still in original packaging.  Save on shipping cost over $1,000. 

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6 Brightcoop Chicken & Turkey Crates (Metal):
Three tier, galvanized metal with green woven roving floors. Very lightly used. Six crates total. $12,500


3 Silos: Two 6 tons ($2,900 each) and one 4 ton ($2,000). With built-in indicators.